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Summer '06

So, as usual, I completely neglected my blog as I traveled all summer. If anyone at all out there happens to read this blog, you would know that this is a common practice. But (watch out cyberspace), I am back in the states now and plan to be a little more frequent with some posts. I am going to write down some thoughts on the summer and stories about places I went, and talk about stuff I have been reading or working on for classes. We'll see how it goes....


Blogger suzie said...

hey justin,
I was just checking out your blog to see if you had any recent posts. I was posting on my about stuff from china and remembered that I had seen yours online once when I was googling friend's name to see what blogs or things I could find. I look forward to seeing pics from you on here. check mine out if you haven't already. Oh, and what countries did you go to in western Asia. Did you go to Uzbekastan (however you spell it). I just heard about two pastor's that were arrested there. just checking.


8/31/2006 06:18:00 PM


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